Change Colors

Colors are set as a “Palette” that applies to your whole site. Based on your chosen palette, Squarespace applies the color to predesigned “Themes.” Squarespace allows for a total of five core colors in the site palette, but you can customize and use an unlimited amount of colors inside of each theme. Customizing the palette and themes will then be reflected in every section that uses those themes throughout the site.

How to Change Site-Wide Colors

  1. To change the colors on your site, you will need to navigate to the Site Styles panel. (Access the Site Styles via the Styles link under the Website tab or by clicking the paintbrush icon in the top right corner.)

  2. Once in Site Styles, click Colors > Edit Palette. Then, input colors in the five palette spaces by clicking the color square at the top of the palette window and entering in the color code for Hex, RGB, or HSL. (You can also use the color picker to find your desired hue and shade.)

  3. Click Save to save the changes you have made to the color palette.

How to Change Section Colors

As mentioned above, color “Themes” are automatically generated based on your color palette. You can apply a color theme to any section on your website and change the colors of each element inside a given section.

To find which theme a section is using (and edit that theme):

  1. Navigate to the Site Styles panel and click Colors. Once in the colors panel, you will see the themes used on the page in the right panel and in the top right corner of each section.

  2. Select one of the color themes used on the page to customize the colors of the various items in that theme.

  3. Click Save to save the changes you have made to the color themes.

To switch the color theme of a section:

  1. Go to the page with the section you want to edit and click Edit.

  2. Hover over the section to activate the section editing tool and click Edit Section.

  3. Click Colors and then select the color theme of your choice.

  4. Click Save to save the changes you made to the section.

How to Change Font Colors within a Text Block

While each color theme will have specific pre-set colors for the various heading and paragraph sizes, you can change the color of a specific word or sentence directly in the text block.

  1. Go to the page with the text block you want to edit and click Edit.

  2. Click into text block to activate the text block styling tool.

  3. Highlight the word or sentence that you would like to edit and click the Text Color swatch. Choose a color from your palette or click Custom to add a custom color using the color code or the color picker.

  4. Click Save to save the changes you have made to the text block.


Change Fonts


Change Buttons